What Is Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome?

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments

What Is Causing My Chronic Pain?

If you have recently been through breast cancer treatment and have started suffering from chronic pain – you’re not alone. Unfortunately, some patients who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy in the fight against cancer may have painful and chronic effects from the surgery. This post-operative pain is called Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome (PMPS).

post mastectomy pain syndrome

What Are The Symptoms?

While symptoms may vary depending on the person, patients (typically women) suffering from PMPS have described their symptoms as:

Pain in the chest, armpit, or arm

Tingling in the chest, armpit, or arm

Pain in surgical scars


Shooting Pain

Severe Itching

Phantom Breast Pain

What Are The Causes Of Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome?

PMPS is caused by damage done to nerves during a mastectomy or lumpectomy. Patients who undergo a full lymph node dissection or receive radiation or chemotherapy treatment after surgery are more likely to have PMPS complications.

What Are My Treatment Options?

Dr. Alain de Lotbinière is an expert in the treatment and management of complex pain disorders like Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. He will review your medical history and learn about your specific pain experience. Once he understands more he can correctly diagnose your symptoms and discuss all the treatment options available to help control PMPS pain, including:

  • Pain Relievers
  • Stellate Ganglion Block
  • Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation
  • Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation
  • Dorsal Rhizotomy
Alain de Lotbiniere NY Surgeon

How Can I Get Started Relieving My Pain?

Book a consultation with Dr. Alain de Lotbinière today! An expert in advanced neurological treatments, surgeries, and diagnostics; he has the answers and solutions you have been seeking. Dr. de Lotbinière will work with your current care team to ensure all treatments are in alignment with ongoing treatments. Appointments are available at both his New York and Connecticut offices.